24.06.2021 10:18

From dream to Hyperloop reality

24th June 2021

From dream to Hyperloop reality

24 June de 2021 9:00h (online event)


09:00: Welcome:

Chancellor UPM representative

Baetriz Alcocer Pinilla-MITMA –S2R Member States Representative Group

Carlos Borghini S2R Executive-Director;

María Luisa Martínez Muneta-UPM; HYPERNEX Coordinator




9:20 Europe and Hyperloop. Monique Van Wortel. SNE Programme Manager. S2RJU

9:45. HYPERNEX Vision. M Luisa Mtz Muneta. UPM

9:55: Hyperloop as a system (WP1) Lambros Mitropoulos. CERTH

10:05 Hyperloop performances (WP3) Stefano Ricci. DICEA

10:15 Safety in Hyperloop Thor Myklebust. SINTEF

10:25 Railway & Hyperloop synergies; a global framework Marek Pawlik. The Railway Research Institute IK



Coffe break (15’)



10:40 The Spanish case: the public innovation purchase.  Jorge Iglesias. CEDEX


11:00 Roundtable 1: Infrastructure manager and transport user  expectatives:
Javier Moreno EIM; Mercedes GUTIERREZ FERRANDIZ , Infrastructure & Train Track Interaction Senior Advisor at UIC; UITP. 5 min/participant +questions from the audience. Moderator: Ángeles Táuler  (FFE-PTFE)


11:20 Roundtable 2: Benefits and challenges for hyperloop implementation in Europe HARDT, Juan Vicén Balaguer, Co-Founder &  Chief Marketing Officer ZELEROS, TRANSPOD, NEVOMO 5 min/promoter+questions from the  audience.. Moderator: Monique Van Wortel. S2R JU


11:45 RoundTable 3: International developments in the hyperloop; other experiences:
HTT, Luis Gonzalez, VHO, JA Yañez -???Swisspod, 5 min/participant+questions from the audience. Moderator: Juan de Dios

Sanz Bobi (S2RJU- SC)


12:15 Standardization actions. Jaime Tamarit. Chairman CEN/CENELEC JTC20


12:30 Closure.